Weekly E Beacon

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This week’s E Beacon

☀️❄️ SFUU News ❄️ ☀️
Welcome to the SFUU Weekly Ebeacon - Announcements and Events
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NEW CHURCH PHONE 530-205-3804
Our mission is to build beloved community that respects
diversities, as we nourish the spirit, care for the Earth,
and inspire faithful acts of peace and justice.

May the longtime sun shine upon you, all love surround you,
and the pure light within you, guide you always home.

Week of January 10 - January 17 - 2025
 Upcoming Worship Services




SFUU is looking to hire an additional child
care worker for Sunday mornings. Please
share this information with any youth or
young adults who might be interested.

Contact: Joan Harris
~ Joys ~ Sorrows ~ Gratitude ~

Each week we lift up the sorrows, the joys and the gratitude of those in our community, and in our world at large and we appreciate your sharing so that you need not walk alone.

Jeanine and Leo Meunier share their sorrow at the loss of Leo's brother in law, Gerald Deschenes Sr., who died unexpectedly last week in Massachusetts. They are so shocked and saddened. Please keep Gerry and Leo's sister Lea in your thoughts. 

Also from Jeanine Meunier: "All of my hometown, Pacific Palisades, CA is on fire. Many of the downtown's main structures are damaged or burnt to the ground. High school, elementary school, large grocery store, theater, and many other buildings in this small town. It all started from a vegetation fire in the hills. So much sorrow."

Click this logo to contact the SFUU Care Team

Email us anytime with your joys, sorrows or gratitude!


C.Y.R.E Classes and Events



Questions? Click on the photo to
email Leah Florence for more information
Game Night is Back! - This Saturday!
Social Justice News and Actions

Climate Movie Night

Rooftop Solar in CA
Thursday January 16th, 6:30 pm
> Click Here for Details

a Michael Moore documentary
January 18th, 4:00pm

Join in a free community screening of the Michael Moore documentary SICKO (which focuses on our for profit health care and pharmaceutical industries)  at the Rocklin Library on Jan 18 at 4 pm.  Afterward, there will be a discussion of the push for single payer health care in CA, led by the folks from the Roseville Democratic Socialists.  This is timely as a bill will be introduced in the CA legislature this session.

Fundraising Potluck - You are Invited!

A message regarding the fire disasters in the Los Angeles area from our SFUU friend and American Red Cross Disaster Team (DAT) member, Beryl Mayne.

If people want to help in any way, Beryl would suggest donating to the AMERICAN RED CROSS. As a member of a Disaster Area Team, she can tell you that hundreds of Red Cross embers are there now and deploying more from all over the country to provided shelter, food and a safe place for evacuees. Please consider supporting the local chapters there or visiting online at:

Share the Plate for 2025!

New Share the Plate Partners for 2025!    

Our SJT met earlier this month to evaluate proposals and ultimately selected 2 new recipients to join the Auburn Interfaith Food Closet as our 2025 partners.  Here's a brief look, with more details coming during the months when they will be our Share the Plate partners.

The Unity for Equity Endowment Fund -  This fund was established at the Placer Community Foundation to support and advocate for the well-being of LGBTQ+ people in the greater Placer County Region

The California Heritage Indigenous Research Project - This project works with the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribal Council in support of the Yulića
  Homeland Return Project which aims to move Tribal Elders into safe housing on the newly purchased 232 acres of land near Nevada City.  

Contact Us
Rev. Sangye Hawke - Minister
cell (530) 297-8532

click here to schedule time with Rev. Sangye

Rev. Sangye January Office hours always by appointment.
Please call, text, or Zoom with me anytime!

Vicky Jungers - Administrator
church phone: 530-205-3804
Office Hours:

Wednesdays & Thursdays

Joan Harris 
Director of Religious Education

Office Hours:
by appointment

Patricia Leftridge - Music Director

Suzanne Borth - President - Board of Trustees 
Our mailing address is:
190 Finley Street, Auburn, CA  95603
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Don't forget to find time to play!
QUESTIONS? Contact admin@mysfuu.org  


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Sierra Foothills Unitarian Universalists · 190 Finley · Auburn, CA 95603 · USA