
SFUU meets in person and online on Zoom or via YouTube on Sunday mornings at 10 AM

Click the link on the Home Page for the Sunday Bulletin

If attending in person:

  • Masks covering mouth and nose are optional (surgical and KN95/N95 preferred – we have them available) throughout the duration of the service.

  • Vaccination is recommended and preferred, but not required at this time.

  • You are free to move your chair to the social distancing level you and your pod prefers.

  • Please check in with each other before hugging.

  • Socializing before and after service should take place outside.

Worship life is central to this community. It is where we explore meaningful topics that matter in our lives. Whether you are attending our Sunday morning services or other unique services throughout the year, you are likely to experience a wide variety of inspirational sermons and reflections, beloved rituals and wonderful music and musicians crafted together to make a meaningful experience.

When you attend our Sunday service, we hope you will find spiritual nourishment as well as inspiration for living your life, embodying your values, and making a difference in the world.

Our Children/Youth Religious Education (C/YRE) program welcomes your children - preschool through high school.  Please see the Religious Education section for more details.

Sunday Services now on YouTube

We are now posting our Sunday services on YouTube. You can find our YouTube channel here.

A message from the Worship Committee Chair

Click on this video to hear Amy Evan’s 3-minute stewardship testimonial about Worship at SFUU (originally delivered Sunday Service on March 14, 2021).